Former House Of Assembly, Ifeanyi Ogbonna Dumps APGA, Decamps To APC

Former House Of Assembly, Ifeanyi Ogbonna Dumps APGA, Decamps To APC
Former House Of Assembly, Ifeanyi Ogbonna Dumps APGA, Decamps To APC

A former House of Assembly aspirant in Abia State and the founder of Ignes Ogbonna Movement, Mr. Ifeanyi Elvis Ogbonna has dumped the All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA) declaring for All Progressives Congress (APC).

He said this decision is borne out of a “deep conviction” that the APC aligns more closely with the principles and aspirations that drive his movement.

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In a statement signed by his media director, Amb. Nwankwo Chisom, Ogbonna expressed confidence that under APC, his movement can forge a path towards a brighter future for the people of his constituency.

He said, “Throughout our political journey, our commitment has always been to serve the best interests of our constituents. We see this transition as a means to enhance our ability to make a positive impact on the lives of the people we represent. The APC’s commitment to good governance, inclusivity, and sustainable development resonates strongly with our own principles.

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“As we embark on this new chapter, we extend our gratitude to our supporters who have been unwavering in their faith and dedication. We assure you that our commitment to your welfare and the development of our beloved state remains steadfast.

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