A woman who pleaded guilty in the beating deaths of her mother and grandmother in their New Jersey beach home was sentenced Thursday to 42 years in prison.

Heather Barbera, 43, used a nightstick to bludgeon 67-year-old Michelle Gordon and 87-year-old Elaine Rosen in their Ventor condo in July 2018, authorities said. She then stole the victims’ cash and credit cards. She was arrested a few days later

Barbera pleaded guilty in October to aggravated manslaughter and murder, reports The Associated Press.
At a sentencing hearing Thursday, prosecutor Allison Eiselen said Barbera “just walked away” as the victims lay dying.
“There is no more heinous, cruel or depraved crime than killing one’s own mother and grandmother,” she said.
Barbera apologised in court, saying: “I never wanted any of this to happen.” Her lawyer told the judge that Barbera was part of a “toxic” family.
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Under a plea agreement, Barbera would be eligible for parole after serving 40 years.