How Goron Tula ‘Miracle Fruit’ Can Boost Wetness Of Vagina

How Goron Tula ‘Miracle Fruit’ Can Boost Wetness Of Vagina
How Goron Tula ‘Miracle Fruit’ Can Boost Wetness Of Vagina

Although relatively unknown by many, goron Tula is considered a ‘miracle fruit’ by those who know it for its many health benefits.

How Goron Tula ‘Miracle Fruit’ Can Boost Wetness Of Vagina
How Goron Tula ‘Miracle Fruit’ Can Boost Wetness Of Vagina

Known as tree hibiscus, Azanza, snot apple in English language, goron tula as it is called in Hausa is found in the northern part of Nigeria.


It is sweet and chewy as well hence why it is also called “African Chewing Gum” fruit.


The fruit is widely cultivated in Tula Kaltungo Local Government of Gombe State and in Michika of Adamawa State in Nigeria. It is botanically known as azanza garckeana.

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Possessing several health benefits, this article focuses on the sexual health benefits of goron tula.



Goron tula is used to increase the libido as consumption of the fruit helps in developing strong desires for sexual intercourse and also serves as an aphrodisiac several rounds of having sex with your partner.


People experiencing lowered libido, as a result of stress or other health conditions, can try goron tula.

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Vagina lubrication


Women with dry vagina are advised to try goron tula as it stimulates the production of vagina wetness and is perfect for keeping the vagina area moist and wet.


Goron Tula has been recommended for women who find it hard to reach orgasm.


You need to chew about 5-10 pieces to feel the effect very well down there although depending on your body type, you may chew more or less before you get the result.

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Boost fertility

Researchers believe that goron tula can be used as a fertility enhancer and it minimises the dependence on synthetic drugs as fertility-enhancing agents.


Research published in Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare suggests that the fruit should be encouraged.

How Goron Tula ‘Miracle Fruit’ Can Boost Wetness Of Vagina
How Goron Tula ‘Miracle Fruit’ Can Boost Wetness Of Vagina

Gets rid of vagina odour.

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Gorontula is good in getting rid of bad odour coming from the vagina as it serves as a vagina cleanser, helping to clean it.


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