Controversial lawyer and social media personality, Ifunanya Excel Grant, has clarified the controversy surrounding her current professional status.

In a video posted on her Facebook account on Wednesday, she said that she was not a practising lawyer at the moment but may consider practising in future.

She said her career path was focused on entertainment, ranging from modelling, acting and making rap music.
She stated that her lifestyle on social media is just for entertainment purposes and not for the sake of disregarding the legal profession.
Ifunanya said, “I’m not a practising lawyer. I am a lawyer by book, but I am not practising. At least for now. I don’t have any interest to practise law, maybe someday in the future.

“At the moment, I am a model, I am an actress, and I am an upcoming musician, a rapper to be precise.”
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Credit: Facebook | Ifunnaya Baddest Lawyer
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