Eight terrorists who attempted to attack the Wawa Military cantonment in New Bussa of Borgu local government area of Niger state have been killed by operatives.

It was learnt the Nigeria Air Force and the Army joined forces to repel the terrorists from gaining access to the military barracks on Saturday

The terrorists were said to have planned their attack in two groups as they tried to use force to gain access to the gate of the military barracks.
Unconfirmed sources said that the Chief Commander who led the attack was apprehended by the army.
In a security alert sent to residents of New Bussa in Borgu local government area, the residents were advised to remain indoors until further notice while the counter attack lasted.
“The general public is strictly advised to adhere to warnings of remaining indoors till further notice and must take note and report new faces and insignificant movements around Bussa Wawa axis.
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“Be security conscious. The military will restore normalcy of peace in due course,” the report reads.