“I Will Stop Negotiating With Bandits”-Sheikh Gumi Says

"I Will Stop Negotiating With Bandits"-Sheikh Gumi Says

Nigerian clergyman, Sheikh Ahmad Gumi, has stated that he will no longer take part in negotiations with bandits.

The cleric revealed the reasons behind his latest decision during his interview with TVC News.
Mixed reactions have continued to trail the declaration of bandit groups as terrorist organisations by a Nigerian court.

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The declaration came after the various attacks and criminal activities carried out by bandits in the Northern part of the country.

Revealing his decision, Sheikh Gumi said,”We do not want to push the bandits beyond what they are presently doing because it can get worse.

“Why are you rushing to declare them terrorists when they are willing to negotiate?
Speaking further, Gumi added, “The remaining door of negotiating with them are the clerics, but the door is now closed.

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“I will not contact them again because that would mean one is aiding terrorists.”


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