Unknown gunmen believed to be hired assassins on Monday night invaded the residence of Professor Godswill Obioma and killed him.

His wife Elizabeth Obioma, who witnessed his killing by the gunmen said “the assassins came in and killed him and left without taking anything,” told Peoples Gazette by telephone on Tuesday morning.

Crying copiously, Mrs Obioma said her husband had just returned to Minna from a trip to Abuja when the armed men, prowling in his compound, descended on him and strangled him.
TheNewsGuru reports that Mr Obioma has been facing challenges to remove him from office as the head of NECO, a prominent examination body run by the Nigerian government.
Obioma, 67, was appointed head of NECO barely a year ago on May 14, 2020. He hailed from Abia in Nigeria’s Igbo-dominated South-East region.
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The sad incident occurred barelly a day after Ahmed Gulak, a top politician of the ruling APC, was assassinated.