…Apst. CGC bankroll wedding, gives spouse international jobs.

What a merciful and gracious father are you oh lord, that in our deity life you make us white and give grace weight over evil, showing love to the undeserved and making Omega Power Ministries OPM an altar of redemption.

Its really heard to tell yet difficult to believed a terrible trajectory of a once wanted deadly killer, notorious armed robber, a high class ritualist, and a secret cult leader who denounced hobby through the evangelical outreach of Apst. Chibuzor Gift Chinyere, the general overseer of Omega Power Ministries and embrace Christ on the altar of God in OPM and are now a happy married men.
Joined in holy matrimony to their respective brides at the OPM branch church in GRA Port Harcourt on Saturday 21st March 2020, spouse families baffled and could not behold the miraculous works of God in the lives of their once rejected wards.

Songs ran out of the parents mouth and words became scares to express their appreciation over what God is doing in OPM through His exceptional servant Apst. Chinyere who not only borne the financial burden of the marriage but also created a life sustainable package for the couples.
The marriage was bankroll through tithe and offerings from the members of the Church while reception took place at G.O residents in GRA. Apst. Chinyere magnanimously gave one of the couples an automatic international job to work in Dubia.
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Credit: OPM Media