Female student writes love letter to corper teacher


A Twitter user identified as Director Flo (@amflomotion), has taken to the social networking platform to reveal a letter written by a female student to her teacher who is a member of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) serving in her school.

According to the letter, the young girl identified as Aisha, says she is deeply in love with her corps member teacher and is ready to do anything to prove her love to him.

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Aisha further disclosed that she knows her teacher does not have a girlfriend because he doesn’t talk about her in class but she is promising to be a good lover to him.

Read the letter in full below: “Corper Jide, you might be thinking I am too small for you but I know I love you very much.

 I have liked you since the very first time you introduced yourself in our class. Anytime I look at you, I feel very happy and I know you are nice, you don’t flog. I love you very much and I will do anything to show you how much I love you. I know you don’t have a girlfriend because you don’t talk about her.

“So I want to be your girlfriend and promise to always be there for you whenever you need me, I am not too small and I know what love means, that is why I have written this letter.

“I can’t stop thinking about you. I always want to be around you. How you joke and play with us in the class makes me like (you) very much and I will do anything to prove it.”

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