34 Brigade Barracks Obinze, Owerri and 14 Brigade Goodluck Ebele Jonathan Barracks Ohafia, Stood still in appreciation and honour of one of the most respected Generals in the Nigerian Army, – the outgoing General Officer Commanding(GoC) 82 Division, Maj Gen Adamu Baba Abubakar as hundreds of barracks families comprising Nigerian Army Soldiers’ Wives and their children, Manny market women, Magajiyas, Corp members and Nigerian Army Officers Wives Association members came out to bid General Abubakar farewell during his farewell visit to the formations today Wednesday the 1st of August 2018.

A release by col. Sagir Musa Deputy Director Public Relations 82 Division has it that General Abubakar was first in 34 Brigade Owerri and later 14 Brigade Ohafia where he addressed officers and soldiers.
According to Musa, Abubakar praised the soldiers and officers for their loyalty, dedication and discipline during his 20 months tour of duty as the GOC.
He urged the troops to always take the welfare of their families seriously especially the education of their children.
According to him “many Generals, Doctors, Engineers and other experts from all walks of life are sons and daughters of the Nigerian Army Soldiers and for that reason you should take utmost interest in the education of your children”.
He used the opportunity to further commend the troops of the Brigades for their roles during Exercises and other training activities particularly exercise Python Dance I and Ex EGWU EKE 11, pointing out that the exercise was able to address the fundamental security challenges that threatened the unity and corporate existence of Nigeria.
Similarly, “the exercise has checkmated crime and criminalities not only in Imo and Abia States but throughout the South Eastern region in general” – Gen Abubakar posited.
He warned troops to remain apolitical during the forthcoming 2019 elections.
“Now that election period is approaching, I wish to warn you to stay away from politics and politicians you should remain apolitical in line with the Chief Of Army Staff Lieutenant General Tukur Yusuf Buratai’s constant directive”.
Both the Commanders 34Â and 14 Brigades, Brigadier Generals Hamza Bature and AK Ibrahim, in their separate remarks, thanked General Abubakar for the professionally matured way he dealt with the IPOB and MOSSOB violent secessionist agitation, communal conflicts, pockets of farmers-herdsmen clashes and other critical security threats in the South East Zone.
They appreciated the humility, firmness and visionary leadership of the GOC and wish him more successes in his future endeavors.
General Abubakar used the opportunity to inspect and commission some projects in the Brigades as well as espoused to the soldiers the Core Values of the Nigerian Army which include integrity, courage, selflessness, and respect for others.
The projects he inspected are the renovation works at 34 Brigade hospital and office headquarters complex.
Others include the cutting of the tape and unveiling of the Dragon mascot and the new Brigade sign post at the 14 Brigade Main Gate, commissioning of the Soldiers’ Club and a Sit out Shade named after Major General AB Abubakar.
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