Mother Of Albino Children Shares 7 Years Emotional Experience

...Says She attempted Committing Suicide Twice

Mother Of Albino Children Shares 7 Years Emotional Experience
Mother Of Albino Children Shares 7 Years Emotional Experience

A facebook user, Precious Eboigbe has taken to her wall to share an emotional seven years experience of nurturing her albino babies even when she and her husband weren’t albinos.

Mrs. Eboigbe who disclosed that she was tempted to commit suicide on two occasions said that she decided to share her experience openly to encourage mothers in a similar situation that she was to carry and cater for their (Albino) children with all their hearts.

Your heart will definitely melt reading through Mrs. Precious Eboigbe’s story shared below


Part One: First time Mum.
Hello everyone!

So, I promised to take us through my almost 7 year journey with my beautiful albino babies (I have two of them).

Below is a picture of my first, when she was innocently two months old (now she’s not so innocent…Lol?).

Before I begin my story, I would like to encourage every mother out there that has been blessed enough to carry and cater for a special child. Please if you are privileged to be in such shoes, do it with all your heart! You might not understand what you are doing now, but you will understand in years to come.

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God saw you as a special person with a special heart and He knows you got what it takes to cater for a special child.
Okay… let’s proceed…

I have 3 albino step uncles and a late albino aunt. All beautiful and amazing souls. My mum even jokingly says she thought I was one of them when I was born, except for my black hair. So, when I had Bethel, it didn’t come to me as a surprise because it’s in the genes!

There are some albino myths that shock me especially when I hear them coming from ‘educated’ folk. First, you don’t get albino children by carrying an albino baby always.

Secondly, you won’t give birth to one because you were laughing at them. It’s GENETICS! And incase you forgot your secondary school Biology lessons, please ask Google…it’s in your phone. ?

Okay…so, upon meeting my newborn, I loved her wholeheartedly and so did her dad (God bless his heart). Never for one day did he make me feel less of a woman or his child less of a human because of skin color and lack of melanin (again…Google it). Instead, he encouraged me and treated his baby like she was the only newborn in the whole world!

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Then came the insensitive comments…

Ahhh…na albino you born. ?
Una get am for family??
Why una black con born white??

Then one day, when my daughter was about 3 months old, I was going to a market nearby and put my baby on my back… out of nowhere, a group of young ladies started shouting and taunting…

See wetin that woman born…na albino o.
God forbid!!!

I got back home that day and I was very sad. Incidents like that happened over and over and I cried. I was depressed. I hid my baby at home while she slept and went to the market without her.

I refused attending functions (weddings, burials and other invitations from friends) because when I did, they gave me and my baby that pity look I hated so much. I couldn’t talk to my dear husband about how I really felt because the topic was a no go area for him…

I was breastfeeding my baby one day in a taxi on my way from work and a woman looked at me and said,
“Na how many albino you laugh before you kon born this one…abeg adjust make I sit don well joor!”??
Or was it the nurse at the immunization centre. Hmmm…that elderly woman would make sure she frowned her face and be careful to hold my baby’s body with her finger tips ONLY…like we had some disease she was afraid to contract.?

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Both illiterate and literate alike were very unkind to me and my infant. I contemplated suicide twice. I was alone in my own world…all because I had given birth to a white skinned child in Africa. I was a bitter and young First Time Mum.

Thanks for reading this far. MY JOURNEY AS A MOTHER WITH ALBINO BABIES continues shortly.
Keep watching this space for more!!!

You are free to share my story. Let’s educate the world around us… let’s stop the unnecessary stigma. Albinos are humans too!
I am a strong VOICE for this special BREED and the next time, I’m going to tell you more on how I overcame depression and took care of my beautiful infant.

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PS: I still crush on this baby picture ?


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